Privacy Policy

HRBluSky’s Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and handle user information. We collect data that users provide during account sign-up, event registration, subscriptions, and more, primarily for HR-related purposes. We securely store payment information. We may include personal information in testimonials with user consent. We analyze interactions with HRBluSky to improve services. They may collect mobile device information but allow users to manage location services. The policy also covers data collected from browsers, cookies, application logs, and third-party sources. HRBluSky shares information with affiliated businesses and third-party service providers, but not for commercial purposes. It addresses information security measures, data retention, and user rights. It explains the usage of face attendance data and requires user consent. The policy also mentions compliance with applicable laws, providing a comprehensive overview of their data practices. HRBluSky encourages users to regularly check for updates in both the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use & Service.

Privacy Policy

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