
Re-inventing The HR Leadership development programs In Post COVID-19 Pandemic

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic disrupted our lives in the way we haven’t imagined. We’re getting adjusted to the new normal practices like social distancing, sanitization and the new work environment. All this put together brings the HR a whole new set of challenges to redefine their job roles. Many companies constantly moved their work environment virtually at the faster rate and scale.

before and after covid

All the face-to-face collaborations and joint works are now transformed to e-mails and video conferencing. HR professionals are not just given an additional opportunity of taking care of the paperwork but providing the solace for numerous workers. Their jobs extend in keeping their employees productive, connected, engaged and motivated too!

Let’s open up the curtain to explore the roles they are just waiting to step in due to the new virtual normal that steps in. This could also mean the change in dimension of the jobs that starts from the onboarding practice, rewards and recognition policies, engagement initiatives, exit processes and so on.

Make employees utilize the opportunity
opportunity utilize

Time is the sparse thing that we have during this outbreak, because all the social gatherings like birthday parties, cinema, sport club, bar, gym, festivals, concerts have been paused for a while. HR should ensure that every employee of their organization should make use of this extra-ordinary time and upskill or reskill themselves.

Marking speed and innovation as key

We know that the coronavirus disrupts the way we work. Working environment in the new normal is more virtual than the traditional office setup. Due to this a lot of routines got interrupted drastically to form new process flow and procedures to fulfil our day today tasks and activities in the organization.

speed innovation

Small and medium organizations suffer from the adaptation of slow procedures, difficult bureaucracies and very fluid hierarchies. Employees are allowed to work without direct supervision. To cope up with the challenge, HR should ensure this change as a positive aspect, as to give each and every employee a space for innovation.

Helping to reconnect   

We all need to modestly accept that we, as humans, do not have control over so many things that are existing. ‘We are all in together in this by staying apart’ should be our mantra for the next year at least. Uniting people together to create awareness and initiating wellness policies to reach every employee’s desk.  Creating more coherence to manage all the people and keep them up with the same charisma is the major challenge that every HR professional faces now.

Re-inventing the whole new process with the cleaner environment, virtual process flow, excellent onboarding experience and delivering all the mandated HR services without any hassle.

helping to reconnect

Digital technologies could be a savior by this time, the only way to operate efficiently is in a remotely distributed environment. Huge burden of employee visas, employee travel, leave policy management, payroll management, WPS file generation is all done in one place at HRBluSky to ease the challenge faced by the HR these days. Check it out right away!

Let’s re-invent the leadership post COVID-19 crisis and be the first in the queue.