reskilling the employee

‘Reskilling the Employees’ – Resilient Strategy to Get Over COVID-19 Crisis

Report by McKinsey & company says that 14 percent of the overall workforce in the world is in need to change their occupation or acquire new skills to manage to be in the same job.

We haven’t imagined that a crisis would arise, and it will force a change overnight in the way our employees work, our operating models, short term and the long-term goals. Making employees adaptable to the ‘new normal’ workflow is what most of the leaders around the world are figuring out as a response to the post pandemic situation. Pandemic is just the silver coated reason for us to change the way we work. Before pandemic, dynamically changing technologies already started to disrupt the very nature of the job and the demand for employees in the new digital data era also increased.

skill development

Make sure your organization thrives through the crisis by focusing on strategizing the reskilling employee along with the strong execution phase as recommended below. Let’s shed the light on it.

I. Finding the recovery skills based on the new business model
business model

Now every business is in a situation to work with the limited resource at the higher efficiency level. If the predominant sales team to be changed as the home delivery team then the logistic team and tech team should be able to adapt the changes. Pick the resources who are crucial value addition in the normal days and create a virtual training on how it is going to affect their day-to-day work cycle.

II. Supporting the employees in the vital areas of development 
supporting the employees

Offer a complete toolkit that will reduce a chaos on what is expected out of them. By doing this, a disproportionate value of the process gets gained. Majorly focus on demand areas that cover the digital skills, adaptability, cognitive skills and the social skills.

III. Back your employees with the tailor-made learning journeys
learning journey

Drilling deeper into enacting the training for the critical resources could be made personalized or tailor-made to see the remarkable outcome of the initiative. Distribution of the critical resources should cover every department from the new business model, to experience the seamless result of the teamwork.

IV. Managing the learning budgets

You might be a big conglomerate but try to act like a small company. Choose the very selective employees to take it forward. In the smaller companies, transformation and testing of new processes will be made as fast as they can. Take this as the separate and priority project with full speed phase with optimized resources.

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Building the reskilling employee of the critical workforce to fight along with the companies’ newly framed goals ensures us the quick recovery of the business in the industry. If the strategizing phase was good but the executing phase might be overwhelming in these sorts of situations, wherein a human resource management tool which covers all the minute level of the process that demands.

We, at HRBluSky assist you in end-to-end strategic implementation of the post pandemic crisis, to work for the better future of the business.