Pandemic, HR Manager

Why HR Manager Should Act As A ‘First Employee’ During This Pandemic?

Do you know that crisis management and the business continuity is being the top priority of HR leaders during this outbreak? The word ‘uncertainty’ and ‘business’ goes hand in hand usually, but it is tremendously increasing due to the existing pandemic situation which is not confined by national, economic and societal borders. In our interconnected and globalized world, the threat is posed to all type of organization all over the world. Let’s break this bigger pandemic picture into nanoscopic HR challenges such as employee communication, work-family effect, workforce experience, workplace policies, welfare policies etc. A different and interesting perception on people management is awaiting here below.

Work-Family Effect

The current health crisis already witnessed the major change of work-environment shift. Each one of us definitely know that the work and family role is incompatible in so many aspects and adjusting to the inter role conflict is one of the major challenge we face every day. The long-term suspension of educational institutes add up the complexity in maintaining the balances in the life roles. One way to support our employee in these kind of situation is to provide them with enough ‘informational support’ like local childcare or elderly care options, self-development programs and finally the virtual training opportunities that helps them to adaptable to the current changing roles and requirements.

Effective Virtual Communication – A New HR Strategy
virtual communication

Critical communications of the senior management or the leaders should reach every employee of the organization. Transparent communication during tough times like this can influence a positive and motivating attitude among the employees. Modelling the right behaviors virtually through proactive engagement and guidance can help every organization to face the uncertainty challenges. HR management should have a dedicated channel for disseminate information to share the information from authentic sources like WHO and CDC.

Never ‘Under-Estimate’ The Importance Of On-Boarding Experience

On-boarding is the fundamental element for any employee to feel about their ‘new’ organization. According to the glass door survey, on-boarding experience improves the employee retention by 82%. Current virtual on-boarding process has the huge burden on HR leaders to teach the new bees about the hierarchy, familiarization of the company’s culture, mentoring programs based on individual and their performances. As a solution new advanced and compatible human resource management tools proves that, organizations of all sizes can work effectively through the prevailing distributed staffing model.


Emerging of innovative HR practices to handle the resources across disciplines to tackle the socio-psychological, physical and technical implications for the employee is undoubtedly unique. Every HR leader need to possess the entrepreneurial skill to leverage and equip themselves in better ways during this outbreak; Despite the limited physical and social interactivity, they need to lead the organization by showing how to best thrive in the current turbulent work environment

Apart from the above discussed challenges, human resource leaders should also consider revisiting the leave policies, travel and the traditional meeting protocols. That’ why, we at HRBlusky, leading human resource management system in UAE has all the changes that fit the current challenges like effective communication channel, leave management system, attendance management system and much more to boost the employee morale.