Organization Setup
Benefit Request
Attendance Tracker App

Code Master Setup

The Code Master Setup in HRBluSky allows you to manage and configure essential data categories for effective HR and payroll processes. The following video will explain in detail how to navigate and utilize the Code Master Setup.


Navigate correctly by going to “Domain Setup” and selecting “Code Master Setup.”

Select the appropriate page, such as “Add Documents,” to add your data.

Use the plus icon to add a new document, name it, and then click “Add.”

For field management, enable or disable fields as needed.

Always review details, particularly document names, for accuracy before making changes.

Ensure all adjustments are saved to avoid data loss.

If you have further questions, refer to the FAQs section or chat with support for additional assistance.

All fields marked with a red ‘*’ are mandatory, so be sure to complete them before proceeding.

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